The COOKHAM SOCIETY is an active local amenity society which has over 1000 members representing 600 households and has a very strong track record in looking after the environment within the geophysical area known as 'The Cookhams' (Village, Rise and Dean) in Berkshire. Our aims are to protect, preserve, improve or create features of general public amenity, historic, architectural, artistic, social or cultural importance and those relating to natural beauty and ecology. 

Our villages are enjoyed by countless visitors and non-residents are very welcome to join the Society and give their support to its aims. 
The Society takes an interest in all matters affecting the locality. These include planning applications and development, roads, bridges, bridleways and footpaths, public open spaces, the riverside and waterways, tree planting and preservation, local services and so on. We rely on our members to communicate with us on matters of local concern or interest.

Liaison is maintained with local authorities and other local organisations such as: the Stanley Spencer Gallery, Maidenhead Civic Society, the River Thames Society, the National TrustWildCookhamThe Ramblers Association, the Marlow-Maidenhead Passengers' Association, the CPRE and the Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise Groups.

An Annual General Meeting is held in the Spring to elect the Committee for the following year, approve the accounts, etc. Social meetings and events are held from time to time, when members have an opportunity to meet the Committee and discuss matters of local interest.

News updates and Society activities are regularly posted on the website and our Facebook Group page. Each month our Planning and Environment Sub-committee monitors planning applications in the locality and makes representations where necessary. The Society recognises that in a healthy community such as the Cookhams there will always be the need for development and our aim is to try to ensure it does not have an adverse impact.

To ensure there is an adequate framework for the consideration of planning proposals the Society co-sponsored with Cookham Parish Council the production of a Village Design Statement. We are also actively engaged with the Environment Agency about the flood risk to our community and the maintenance of the natural waterways between us and Maidenhead.

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